Sunday, September 18, 2016
The Surecratic Theory TMPT : Revolutionizing Science and Philosophy In Human Knowledge
Introduction : The sub-atomic particles are particles much smaller than atoms. There are two types of subatomic particles: elementary particles, which according to current theories are not made of other particles; and composite particles. Particle physics and nuclear physics study these particles and how they interact. Light could behave like a stream of particles (called photons) as well as exhibit wave-like properties. This led to the new concept of wave–particle duality to reflect that quantum-scale "particles" behave like both particles and waves (also known as wavicles). In particle physics, the concept of a particle is one of several concepts inherited from classical physics. But it also reflects the modern understanding that at the quantum scale matter and energy behave very differently from what much of everyday experience would lead us to expect. One important branch attempts to better understand the Standard Model and its tests. By extracting the parameters of the Standard Model, from experiments with less uncertainty, this work probes the limits of the Standard Model and therefore expands our understanding of nature's building blocks. Those efforts are made challenging by the difficulty of calculating quantities in quantum chromodynamics. Some theorists working in this area refer to themselves as phenomenologists and they may use the tools of quantum field theory and effective field theory. Others make use of lattice field theory and call themselves lattice theorists. In particle physics, supersymmetry (SUSY) is a proposed type of spacetime symmetry that relates two basic classes of elementary particles: bosons, which have an integer-valued spin, and fermions, which have a half-integer spin.[1] Each particle from one group is associated with a particle from the other, known as its superpartner, the spin of which differs by a half-integer. In a theory with perfectly "unbroken" supersymmetry, each pair of superpartners would share the same mass and internal quantum numbers besides spin. Beyond the Standard Model Simulated Large Hadron Collider CMS particle detector data depicting a Higgs boson produced by colliding protons decaying into hadron jets and electrons. The simplest realization of spontaneously-broken supersymmetry, the so-called Minimal Supersymmetric Standard Model, is one of the best studied candidates for physics beyond the Standard Model. Major effort is in model building where model builders develop ideas for what physics may lie beyond the Standard Model (at higher energies or smaller distances). This work is often motivated by the hierarchy problem and is constrained by existing experimental data. It may involve work on supersymmetry, alternatives to the Higgs mechanism, extra spatial dimensions (such as the Randall-Sundrum models), Preon theory, combinations of these, or other ideas. String theorists attempt to construct a unified description of quantum mechanics and general relativity by building a theory based on small strings, and branes rather than particles. If the theory is successful, it may be considered a "Theory of Everything", or "TOE. all physics (and practical applications developed there from) can be derived from the study of fundamental particles. In practice, even if "particle physics" is taken to mean only "high-energy atom smashers",
CONCLUSION : Surecratic Scientific – Philosophic Note : According to The Meta-Paraphysics Philosophic Theory (TMPT) that we had discovered since 1988-1989 ; each sub-atomic element Can be simply viewed – in terms of energy - as a specific coded energy ; bearing its own unique spectrum charge , spinning characteristic(s), space and its minute energy mass level(s) as well ; where the complexity of energy code(s) is / are seen here among numerous subatomic elements , atoms and to complexity of energy code(s) within molecules ..etc.; all seen in terms of its energy code(s) ; to be considered from our surecratic point of view ; it can interact ; spontaneously act and also react integro- dynamically as a function of both time and specified space ; where gravity, quantum mechanics , general relativity, branes ..etc apply and/or may coexist ; within the physics’ boundary level(s) / field and at being also indirectly interconnected for interacting as energies with the Metaphysical / Paraphysical coexisting level(s) / fields of energy according to its specified codes. Both energy codes and bio-energy / bio-genetic codes ; needed for the continuety of the existance and for life of all the creatures which are logically and ontologically believed to be fully interrelated in equivalance ; dynamically interactive in balance and even integrated at both the subatomic elementary existence(s) and its composite levels as well ..Energy Codes at its sub-atomic level(s) lay within subatomic cosmos ( ultra -microcosmology). In atomic and molecular levels energy codes are identified as (micro - and macro-cosmology) while energy codes in field of astrophysics can be reffered as ( Astro-cosmolgy energy codes ) as well as beyond the physical field(s) mentioned above and also beyond the subatomic elements' boundary in existence ; where here is the highly possible start of Metaphysical fields ( ascending and descending metaphysics fields ) ; which is extended / extrapolated to the mysterious paraphysical field of all energy creation from nothing / its related creatures;the same with the non-physical world and/or existance of creation where relative energy codes may be expected to behave according to very different laws than its case in our physical world boundary .. the Energy Codes that relates to The ( Metaparaphysical Cosmos / Cosmology ) are strongly believed to be scientifically logical , philosophically and even Ontologically factual co-existing field as both existence and knowlege together - and all being in order - at the same time; these logical and ontological facts - according to the descending metaparaphysics were highlighted in The Holy Quran / True Monotheism as facts related to creation . Surecrats expect that all energy coded existence(s) - from simpilicity to huge complexityity interact integro-dynamically with each other and within specified energy code(s) in order(s) and even become even responsive with the Suppernatural i.e the absolute existence of such unique sole creator ( God ) that absolutely differs from anything else of God’s creation . Darwinists , Secularists , Atheists, Polytheists seem all to fall into controversies and they are still seem incapable to give us an acceptable explanatory and balanced logical unifying theory ( Theory Of All ) compared to our Meta-Parapysics Philosophic Theory ( The Surecratic Theory ) in Human Knowledge. TMPT is presently the sole available; withstanding and unifying theory that will definately revolutionize their conscienceness , their human scientific - knowledge and preceptions towards newer developing approach(es), Model(s) & explanation(s) ; with our Surecratic stronger profound foundation which deals with everything smoothly at no difficulty ; through its an indepth concept of viewing and of understanding of what it means " Energy Codes" as a value; that can be imagined, understood and/or considered ; from Simplicity into Complexity and from “ Suppersymmetry Universe / Standard Model Approach “ extended into another coexistent level Of “ Multiverse Energy Codes “ and Seven Heavens ontological facts .. etc. as we have explained first - for example but not for limitation - being an intelligent Surecrat in my logical thinking and in my ontological belief(s) ..!
Therefore One Can logically and Ontologically Comprehend the following Surecratic Hypothesis which might be considered - with “ Evidence” - as being “ Factual “ :
The Factual Concepts In both the Quantum Mechanics and the General Relativity ( in depth foundation beyond Gravity ) ; used by scientists and applied in the revolutionary technological achievements nowadays can be explained and be comprehended in light of Energy Codes as a fundamental concept . Our Revolutionary Surecratic Approach “ Existence Of Energy Codes “ is considered by itself a new concept and an explanatory foundation in Science; its fundamental theoretical and its applied facts. In every scientific field : Scientists , Theorists in physics and biophysics and Technologists are advised by Surcrats to use and reapply the concept of energy code(s) in their developmental appraches in science and technology.
Both Knowledge and The Whole Existence in itself; whether it lay within the boundary of The Universal Supersymmetry or The Multiverse or beyond i.e within “ The Metaparaphysical Fields and/or World “ can easily and factually be understood in lights of “ Energy Codes Existence(s) “ . Such Whole existence can be considered actively interconnected and even integrated dynamically based upon the foundation of energy ( in physical , Metaphysical and paraphysical fields / boundaries ) in our conceptually unifying and explanatory TMPT theory.
Bio-genetic code(s) has / have its equivalent Bio-energy Code(s) naturally; being in order .
Physical Material(s) - in its atomic and molecular structures - its naturally existing equivalent energy code(s) can be in complexity and within its own laws organizing order(s)
Genes may carry the intelligent information, transfer and store knowledge at its atomic and/or molecular level(s) as knowledge and existence at the same time and within its own specific space , Some genes may carry its own evolutionary genes structure and/or codes since creation had happened. Enterspecies , Intraspecies evolution is expected to have its physical / biophysical / energy codes and boundaries ; if evolution is happening ; it is rare and still keep the species characteristics and it can not be attributed to hazard in light of the probability theory ; genetic and energy codes can not be attributed in between plants and animal kingdom for example as from an algee to a vertebral animal like a monkey ; into a man as genetic codes protecting naturally the species has its coded limitations at atomic and sub- atomic elementary level(s) / structure. creationism in order play its dominant rule(s) and order against the delusions / bias / fake of Charles Darwin and his secular followers Darwin’s theory is well known to have a lot of gaps and it is unacceptable scientifically. The evolution that surecrats meant here is laying within the bounary of creation and is limitted to the genetic code map and/or energy code sub-atomic and its related molecular structure that is spontaneously , ordinary normal not abnormal structure(s).
Bio-Metaphysical energy code(s) ( like Spirit as a bounary between life and death , Soul , ..etc ) that is/are coexisting with any Bio-physical creature body and/or an existence on eartth or within the Universe - if it exists - and its extended Multiverse locks the scientific and ontologic secret facts of creation in Universal Monotheism Religion(s). The Bio-Metaphysical energy code(s) can never be hypothetically assumed it happen by hazad or under the assumpltions of millions of years to be developed ; especially in presencee of analytical technical errors , deviations , contaminations with these scientific radioactive methodology in biophysics . so what will happen if we are trying to apply it within the Meta-paraphysical world with its undetectable energies status co and/or fields..?! The challenge here is facing man to create from nothing material and energy and/or to create an alife mosquitto or a fly ( spirit and body ) as The Holy Quran logically stated in a challenge for us !
The development of any hypothesis and/or any true acceptable theory can not be successful without considering the foundation of energy; energy boundries; its related energy codes and its related law(s) and/or order(s) existing in action(s) , interaction(s) and reaction(s) integro-dynamically in an extremely complex world ; as a function of time and space.
The Meta-Paraphyics Philosophic Theory (TMPT) is still being capable to deal with finding more profound explanations to science, philosophy and towards the true ontological -logical descending answers of universal monotheistic religion crowned by holy Qur’an ; based on pioneer explanatory analytical and conceptual foundation where TMPT deals indepth with oth logical and ontological facts; in the absence of any controversies.
Dr.Sherif Abdel-Kerim
A Pharmaceutical Scientist A Modern Philosopher & An Islamic Scholar
Founder Of Surecracy and TMPT Theory with Its Applications
Establisher Of The International Surecratic Movement - Canada.
Reference : for the introduction in Wikipedia Encyclopedia .
Surecracy : A Universal New Human Ideolology - Sherif Abdel-kerim -
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